Friday, February 04, 2005

Like my Pocket Protector? (Nerds and Nerdiness)

Many people these days are having trouble with their...Nerdular orientation. What I mean by this is many people dont know wether they are Nerds or not. The walk the line of Nerddom, keeping up on current events but always keeping the latest copy of "Star Wars Montly" on their napsak. To help all of you who are confused with your Nerdular orientation, I must first classify a few terms, which often confuse those nerdily challenged. This blog is meant to merely state to people wether they are a nerd or not. Lets face it...we all have some nerdy tendancies not all of us are nerds.

Geek-a geek is not a nerd. Nerds are often credited with creativity, intellect, and imagination. Geeks are generally not intelligent. They have dull lives and low imaginations, they merely look like Nerds. Possibly this is a form of unatural adaption. Geeks imitate the look of something better than them selves in order to raise their status. But one can also be a geek based intirely on look, that is if they have average intellegence.(e.g. John from the Garfield Cartoon Strips)

Nerd-A nerd possesses knowledge, creativity and imagination as well as resourcefull-ness. The nerd comes in several varieties, all of which do not necisarily adhere to the nerd look (thick glasses acne and pocket protector etc.)

  • computer nerd-possesses computer knowhow. Spend all their time playing mmorpgs, and desigining their websites. Commonly make database and ram jokes with each other. The internet is their friend. They dont know what the world outside looks like.
  • Sci-Fi nerd- the kind of people who heavily indulge in reading science fiction novels, star treck, the lord of the rings, dungeons and dragons etc. These are the kind of people for whom the fantasy world has replaced reality. There is no going back for these people! Some also may have a comic book infatuation.
  • Cranium Nerd- the one nerd who is highly intellectual and basically has a life revolving around school. They are the kind of people who do that assignment that's due next month the day after it is assigned and who stay up late to put the finishing touches of volcanically charred soil on their volcano. Some often posess an abundance of random scientific facts which can be regurgitated and called upon at will. These people rarely get less than 90% on any assignment. Man...what....nerds!

There is another categorey the sweek (star wars geek) who is not actually a geek, but doesnt look like a nerd but is prone to speaking in Ewok and dressing up like a Jedi and playing the many star wars video games. The sweek is an actual nerd, and sometimes carries tendancies of the sci fi nerd (LOTR, D and D etc.) but is prodominantly a starwars fanatic.

Please note that to be a nerd in any of the above capacities you must be a complete fanatic to the categorey of Nerdiness you are in (or all of them in some cases.) Having a mild resemblance to tendancies in one of the categories does not make one a nerd. You must be totally crazy for that categorey you are in (for example, merely liking star wars does not make you a sci-fi nerd. But dressing up as vader, going to conventions, and reading all of the fiction, collecting all of the collectable, and being able to talk like greedo....yeah you're a sci-fi nerd.)

Just to clarify so that all of you non nerds can understand...if you are not a fanatic in nerdiness, you are not a nerd. You merely exhibit nerdlike tendancies. Some of you however, display many aspects of nerdiness from many categories, so while not a nerd you walk the fine line and are on your way to nerdiness. I shall tell you the danger you have of becomming a nerd next time in a list of fifty things that nerds do. (give or take) so until next time...beam me up scotty!


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