Friday, February 11, 2005

You know You're a Nerd if...DUNGEONS and DRAGONS! (top 50 list of Nerddom)

Well here it is as promised! The top fifty list of Nerdy tendancies. This is to benifit those who wear the coyboy pants of nerdiness, but have never actually ridden the Nerd pony. This will indicate the danger of you becoming a convert of Nerddom. Many of us walk the line by carying nerd like tendancies, but are not actually Nerds. There is a possibility of one becoming a complete nerd if these tendancies excellerate. However, there are those of us who can cary nerd like symptoms and still be average citizens. "Oh Yeah, Not unlike how Frodo can bear the weight of the ring and still be a hero. Honk! Honk!" Yeah I know there are those of you who are thinking that. Nerds! so without further ado, the list of nerdiness (lets see if I make it to fifty.)

You Know you are a Nerd When....

  1. Your excuse for being late to school is "My Hyper drive generator was down and so I couldn't use light speed to get here on time."
  2. When your best friend is a chia pet
  3. when your idea of personal relationship doesn't go beyond reading that anime comic with that pretty girl
  4. when while walking down the street you look at all of the garbage cans and begin to wonder about all of the stuff you can make out of it that would be so useful in that nerdy table top game you play (yes Sean, that means you!)
  5. when you sign your name "Inquisotor Lord Karik Al' Dakka of the sushdo'nak'ta realm! Mortals beware."
  6. Then you think that Hellboy is an example of a tragic hero
  7. When your favorite cartoon character is Comic Book guy
  8. When you are outraged to find out that spider man was not nominated for best picture
  9. When your mmorpg character has a better life than you
  10. when classic literature to you is spider man issue fifty
  11. when you are vary religious praying to all of the the chaos gods, the odd vulcan and practice your saber techniques everyday to become one with the force
  12. Whenever anyone asks you to do something you say "Something need doing? Work work! What you want?"
  13. when you check your closet for mistical portals every night
  14. when you dream in comic book format
  15. when you are asked to write an essay about a great space pioneer and you write about Leonard Nemoy
  16. when you believe in the theory of evolution because it proves that people are just a subspecies of vulcan that dont have pointy ears
  17. when your slogan is "Pocket Protector: Never Leave home without it!"
  18. When your dream is that some day you and your computer will fuse together and become one being someday so that you can chat online in class by pushing buttons on your chest
  19. when you think that women are some rare subspecies of Ewok that grew up and lost their hair
  20. when before you do anything, you roll four dice, check your stars and draw an event card
  21. when you could grow up to be stuck in a dead end computer analysis job, but love it because you would be able to play "Rune Scape" all day long and not get fired
  22. When you refer to a baby as "Infant human larvae"
  23. When you own all three extended dvd additions of "The Lord of the Rings" and have memorized all of the dialougue including that of the all of the special features and the audio commentaries
  24. When you broke a bone once being poked by someone
  25. when you respond to a bully by saying stuff like "Well my IQ is a 199 how high is YOUR IQ?" or "I'm telling!"
  26. When you belive that Yu Gi is calling you to play for "The heart of the cards"
  27. when you want your first car to look like something from Inital D or a Gundam Wing Mobile suit
  28. When you have been outside the movie theatre for revenge of the sith to start since episode 1 came out
  29. when you can trace your blood line back to characters in Battle star Gallactica
  30. When you fill in a questionaire and put "wizzard" next to occupation
  31. When people commonly come up to you and say "Oh my're a nerd! I're such a nerd....YA FREEEKIN NERD!"
  32. When you eat really chunky soup...with a spoon!
  33. when you think that force feild ball should be an olympic event
  34. When you can count the girls you've been with on one hand and the number of lockers you've been stuffed is a figure that rivals infinity as a representation of something that is never ending
  35. when you're favourite song is the milk song from the commercial with the skateboarding farmers
  36. When you score 90% on a test you didnt study for and think yourself a moron
  37. When you think Alphagetti is one of the four food groups
  38. When you have a trantula or a snake named "bonnie" (any other name is fine, but bonnie? oooo! that's almost as bad as being called &#!^%(#@#@()^! or Jeff!)
  39. When your favourite clothing accessory is glow in the dark socks
  40. When everytime you enter a cab and the driver says "where to?" you answer "Gamma Quadrant sector four, and step on it!"
  41. when you make a list about nerdiness to settle your own insecure fealings that you are a N-

Okay I got to forty and I guess I could keep going but I dont know forty is good enough. Well untill next time...the truth is out there...and my glasses need cleaning!


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