SeaN Baldwin Picture Association
Ok let us review the facts: Sean baldwin does not know how to treat girls. What am I saying? Treat them? He doesnt know what they are! T
hus I have prepared a little picture association quiz for him to take entitled "Is this a Girl?"
Seans Answer: He does have the man boobs....

Sean: Well he is pregnant.....what's with the wrench????

Sean: WTF?! 'Root me'?!?!?!? I guess she is like some uber n00b that doesn't know how to plant a tree....

Sean: Is this a trick question?

Sean: This is a tough one.... Either way I won't beable to sleep tonight.

Sean: Guy! Definitley a guy! Surronded by his 4 girlfriends.....oh wait maybe it's the team from cool runnings!
Sean, sean, sean...we have much work to do....
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