Saturday, April 09, 2005

The New Commercials are Different...they're much worse (END THE INCESSANT ADVERTIZING part 7)

Why must companies put annoying personalities on television? Do they think that we respond to them? Because we the worst way. Take for instance Gail and Lucky...the bingo lady and the dog she obsesses over. Not only does Gail possess a level of conversation that a mentally difficient rock would find they would have to slow down in order to understand her, but she is one of the personalities which society has come to hate the most....THOSE ANNOYING PEOPLE WHO TREAT THEIR DARNED DOGS LIKE FRIGGIN HUMAN BEING AND LET THEM SLEEP ON THE BED AND EAT CAVIAR WHEN THERE ARE STARVING PEOPLE IN AFRICA!!!!!!! Seriously, I've met people like that, they can generally talk about three things, the weather what they had for dinner and the blasted dog they own. Man! And now because advertizers have run out of ideas I have to watch it on television as well. Thank you commercial people...thanks a lot!
But not all annoying television personalities obsess over dogs. There are those two "territorial twins" who cannot share anything accept their phone minutes. Yeah, I believe that as much as I believe that a little purple martian flew into my room last night (his name was George.) There are a number of teenagers who are possessive over nothing but the phone, am I supposed to believe that this focal point in teenage life is the one thing these two possessive peopel dont fight over? Besides that, seeing people biker to the extreme is old and unamusing even back then.
Speaking of more annoying people, how about those people who pop up in random places advertizing things arbitrarily? For example that museum dude who replaces one of the sculptures of the greatest achievements of the twentieth century with some kind of large wheat cruch type cerial. Oh yeah, mona lisa or wheat cerial, which has done more for mankind!


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