Shall we now give a moment in remembrance of Hollywood?
Have you been watching any movies this summer? Oh then you know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure if this is just a summer thing but of late Hollywood has reached new crappyness on the crap scale of crappy movies. I mean other than mindless rubbish that is low on plot character and high on mindless sex and violence, there have been no movies, thsi year it seems. Oh sure there was revenge of the sith, but let us accept this as the exeption to the rule. I mean the bl0ckbusters this summer were the movies that were deemed the least crappy. It is official, Hollywood has died.
I guess this is really no new thing, hollywood it's self does pontentially suck. It's movies are labeled as having the same typical plots over and over again just wrapped up in a different package. They are as distinctive in that respect as Bollywood movies are for the flashy musical numbers.
I guess all in all you might say that hollywood is like searching for treasure on a beach. Most ofd the time all you can find is old shoes and bottlecaps, but now and then you come across somethign that is really worth while. Sometimes you come across a peice of work that has a director who cares about the subject matter and actually knows how to handle it, actors who can display all of the subtilities of their characters without milking their parts, exquisite sets and costumes, and special effects people who know that special effects are meant to aide the plot. But like I said this is most rare.
There are a few statistical reasons for the suckiness of hollywood movies, allow me to explain.
Money/Supply and Demand
1) Hollywood is an industry, and like most industries it is out to make a profit. Sometimes, this does not require intelligent thought. Sometimes all this requires is typical plots that are predictable and filled with sex and violence. Why? Because people will see it. Even if a movie looks really bad (which is often a sign that it is) sometimes we just like to kick back and be mindlessly entertained. We dont always want to have intelligent plots, sometimes we just watch stuff just for mild ammusement and we arent up for 'thinking.' Nothing wrong with this, one does not have to be intellectual all of the time, in fact you shouldnt be. If you prepare yourself to be mildly entertained, go ahead and enjoy yourself. Hollywoods problem is that they have got themselves in a rut. They have made so many of these mindless films lately they cant go back to making the other kind, you know, the good kind?
If you build it....
Yeah so there are no good movies out, so what are you going to do? Watch a sitcom? Rewatch all of your old DVD's which you've seen a crudrillion times? Read? Lets face it if hollywood keeps making crappy movies it's not like we can take our business elsewhere. Around the world hollywood and it's influence have grown. Some aspects of their work has been creeping into bollywood. Actors in countries where the industry is not as big go to hollywood to make a decent living. Itallian movies used to be huge, now in Itally about 95% of the movies shown at the cinemas in Itally are American. Lets face it, were stuck.
It's all been done before!
Yes, the Bare Naked Ladies said it and now so will I: It has all been done before. This factor is just one that Hollywood has not itself created. The simple fact is that in the world of the imagination stories are a finite resource, and finally the supply of stories has run out. So what have the story tellers of the movie industry done? They've had to reuse their materials. Tell old stories with a different colour. This is simply a fact. And it is also a fact that any kind of fiction you try to make has been made before, but slightly different. All you can hope to do is tell it with a different spin. It's nobodys fault, we just didnt see the depletion of our ficticious resources. But with this said there is hope, there is hope that Hollywood is practicing conservatio0n methods, and that they have a few movies stored up which they will use in an emergancy. And brother this is an emergancy!