Friday, January 14, 2005

It's a logo....

First of all I would like to thank small frozen hamster for the logo he made me. It really just helps to personalize this blog and make it more unique. Secondly I would like to publicly congradulate him for the recognition given to his "Secret of Mokey Island Script." I think I was one of the first people to actually read the rough draft ( back in the days of grade 10 drama. Good times...) Yo so to pay tribute to this dude, go check out his blog at
Thanks Again Man!

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Well...They're not all bad...(Or END THE INCESSANT ADVERTIZING (part two) )

I guess not all commercials are bad. Some are funny, and even have a point. I like the one where you see a woman walking and she begins shrieking in terror upon seeing a fallen maple leaf on the ground which means fall is comming. Yeah that's funny! The first time I saw that one it was kind of a delayed reaction laugh thing going on.
Another good one is the one where those two people are in the taxi and the guy chews a mouth full of these winter freeze mints and his head freezes and the beside him starts screaming and then the cab driver starts screaming and the cab stops and the guys head falls off and then the screaming is heightened (whiew! long sentance!) That's funny! another delayed reaction laugh there. There are too few of those kinds of commercials, the're funny and they get your attention without being annoying. There should be more commercials like those...