Christmas 2005
Well everyone Christmas was yesterday; I had a regular blast. We didn't do anything too crazy, usually we spend the whole day except for the morning at relatives houses and come home very late. We came home early because my dad we fealing unwell. I think he feels better today. Anyways it was alot of fun! My sister Catherine enjoying her new scarf! yes...very dramatic Cat!
Here's a pic of me on christmas morning. I'm holding the contents of my 40k Ork Battleforce. Man, it came with so much stuff. I'm going to be spending most of this holiday assemblign stuff, so I guess all those posts I said I would post, I probably won't now! By the way if any of my campaign mates are reading this, be warned! Da Boyz is Going Tuh War! WAAAAGH!
My little sis Sarah, being usual! Merry Christmas Smoo!
Ahh happiness is a warm Calvin and Hobbes Treasury! My sister knew just what to get me. She got me that and the portable CD player I'm listening to! Thanks angain Liz.
The family all gathered around for christmas dinner at my aunts house, all wearing our christmas cracker hats. Thanks again everyone for your gifts, I loved every last one of them. You guys are the best!
More dinner photos! And yes, the food was delicious! Yum!
And here we are all around the fireplace after christmas lunch! You know if that fireplace was lit (and my aunt had actually put up a Christmas tree!) it might look like a Norman Rockwell painting. Speaking of which, Dad I hope you liked your gift!
My sister loved this pic. Me and Liz are acting all tough! Merry Christmas Yo!