Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Stero-types, Candybars and a Whole Lota Nonsense (END THE INCESSANT ADVERTIZING part 4)

Ok my first flame of the day is on the extra mint gum. I mean what's the deal here? Why are they ridiculing the Scottish? I thought extra was an American company. You know the numbers get quite staggering when I think of all of the companies that ridicule the Scotch. Theres the commercial advertizing the min snack bars, the Alexander Keiths raving Scottsman and now the extra gum. I'm probably missing a few, i think I saw an oatmeal commercial with the scottish people in it (actually I think that was funny, but it was a long time ago.) I mean, what does everyone have against the Scotch? They're a cool people. They have given the world some of the most famous actors (Sean Connery for one), they're a proud people and they know how to celebrate new years, I mean REALLY celebrate it (I swear my New Years eve is sitting home watching comedy shows on the cbc with a botte of some sparkling beverage, unfermented! Boy!) The ironic thing is that they invented the television only to be ridiculed on it through incessant crappy advertizing. I think it's about time somebody stuck up for the Scots. They are a cool people (if you think otherwise, you have obviously never heard of Billy Boyd!) and I think it's time someone stood up for them (although the scotts can fight their own battles as William Wallace has taught us. Seriously if i weren't Canadian, I would be Scotch. That's all I have to say on this point...for now!
Candy bars are sporting more and more stupidity lately. Think about the Kit Kat morons. Exhibit a, moronic kit-kat male model, the first in a long line of bad advertizing. Typical diolougue from his scene.
MKKMM:i have to put on a sexy pouty face, but not sexy...dangerously sexy!
Ok the ploy here is that if this dude deserves a break so do you, and it would of been funny if it hadn't spawned a moronic Kit Kat Kult.
Exhibit B the Doin' Nothin' Kit Kat Morons:
DNKKM#1: so I says dude I'm takin' a break
DNKKM#2: And I say dude, what were you doing that you were taking a break from?
DNKKM#1:And I say nothin' (laffs) because I'm doin' nothing.
DNKKM#2: And I say dude, if you were doin' nothin' how do you know you're takin a break?
DNKKM#1: And I said cause I'm havin a Kit Kat.
ugh! If script writing couldn't get worse (did I say worse? Well maybe not compared to the writing of "Dude Where's my Car?")enter exhibit C, the Kit Kat Peanut Butter Krunchy Morons.
KKPBKM#1: I told my girlfriend I was havin' a Kit Kat think she's tryin' to tell me something?
KKPBKM#2: Dude they're always trying to tell you something!
Pardon me, what was supposed to be funny? The Sheer stupidity? Now here's the thing about stupid humor: Odie from Garfield is funny, these "dudes" are not. Why beacause Odie does not realize he is a moron. These two dudes do. Now when actors admit to the audience that they themselves know that they are moronic, it ruins the realism and just looks like clowning in front of the camera, and ergo isn't funny. That's for all you would be commercial writers out there ( I swear, if you ever one day write another car commercial where a car magestically up roots a building from the ground, you shall find an SUV one day parked through your wall!)
More dumb candy bars? If you insist! How about the commercial where the dad trys to convince his young idiots-(or kids whichever you prefer) that coffee crisp makes a nice light snack and they refuse to believe this. Now I believe that this commercial is playing homage to it's old slogan...just in a very stupid way.

dad: coffee crisp makes a nice light snack!
girl: just because you say something is true doesn't make it that way dad!

Hate to burst your bubble kid, but in this case it does! So...why was I supposed to laugh again? Kids dont believe daddy even though he's right? Sooooo....what! I dont know but something just ranks very stupid and pointless on the commercial scale of stupidity. out of a 10 (10 being really bad!) it ranks a 90 to the 30000. Yeah, not funny or even ammusing! Maybe I should add a few more zeros to that figure.

Dad: you kids need to get out more!

Well DUHHHH! Maybe to a school dad? You ever think of that huh? Huh? Do yuh! Oh yeah If I leave my kids at school all their lives maybe they'll grow up to be intellegent lifeforms with a ghost of a chance of fitting into society and not being morons who question me about STUPID SLOGANS FOR CHOCOLATE BARS!!!!!!! ....oy!
I'm going to take you on a trip down memory lane to a time when chocolate bar commercials are good. Enter the Crispy Crunch, the bar was okay but the commercials rocked. They had this ploy where the commercial was a simple concept, a dude walks into a store orders a chocolate bar and then likes it. It was the same concept...but every commercial you saw was just a little different than the next. In one of the it was all done with puppets on strings. In one of the the guy bying the candy explodes etc etc. Allways the same dialouge characters and location...but always a bit different. It was clever and attention grabbing. They dont make commercials like that anymore...shame!
Yo I could go on for ever but I think I will have to say my truth detector girl, and Mister Wendy the "Unofficial Spokesman" and "I'm Lovin' it" for another tell.
So untill we meet again...I am the undisputed king, and I bid you ado!

Friday, February 11, 2005

You know You're a Nerd if...DUNGEONS and DRAGONS! (top 50 list of Nerddom)

Well here it is as promised! The top fifty list of Nerdy tendancies. This is to benifit those who wear the coyboy pants of nerdiness, but have never actually ridden the Nerd pony. This will indicate the danger of you becoming a convert of Nerddom. Many of us walk the line by carying nerd like tendancies, but are not actually Nerds. There is a possibility of one becoming a complete nerd if these tendancies excellerate. However, there are those of us who can cary nerd like symptoms and still be average citizens. "Oh Yeah, Not unlike how Frodo can bear the weight of the ring and still be a hero. Honk! Honk!" Yeah I know there are those of you who are thinking that. Nerds! so without further ado, the list of nerdiness (lets see if I make it to fifty.)

You Know you are a Nerd When....

  1. Your excuse for being late to school is "My Hyper drive generator was down and so I couldn't use light speed to get here on time."
  2. When your best friend is a chia pet
  3. when your idea of personal relationship doesn't go beyond reading that anime comic with that pretty girl
  4. when while walking down the street you look at all of the garbage cans and begin to wonder about all of the stuff you can make out of it that would be so useful in that nerdy table top game you play (yes Sean, that means you!)
  5. when you sign your name "Inquisotor Lord Karik Al' Dakka of the sushdo'nak'ta realm! Mortals beware."
  6. Then you think that Hellboy is an example of a tragic hero
  7. When your favorite cartoon character is Comic Book guy
  8. When you are outraged to find out that spider man was not nominated for best picture
  9. When your mmorpg character has a better life than you
  10. when classic literature to you is spider man issue fifty
  11. when you are vary religious praying to all of the the chaos gods, the odd vulcan and practice your saber techniques everyday to become one with the force
  12. Whenever anyone asks you to do something you say "Something need doing? Work work! What you want?"
  13. when you check your closet for mistical portals every night
  14. when you dream in comic book format
  15. when you are asked to write an essay about a great space pioneer and you write about Leonard Nemoy
  16. when you believe in the theory of evolution because it proves that people are just a subspecies of vulcan that dont have pointy ears
  17. when your slogan is "Pocket Protector: Never Leave home without it!"
  18. When your dream is that some day you and your computer will fuse together and become one being someday so that you can chat online in class by pushing buttons on your chest
  19. when you think that women are some rare subspecies of Ewok that grew up and lost their hair
  20. when before you do anything, you roll four dice, check your stars and draw an event card
  21. when you could grow up to be stuck in a dead end computer analysis job, but love it because you would be able to play "Rune Scape" all day long and not get fired
  22. When you refer to a baby as "Infant human larvae"
  23. When you own all three extended dvd additions of "The Lord of the Rings" and have memorized all of the dialougue including that of the all of the special features and the audio commentaries
  24. When you broke a bone once being poked by someone
  25. when you respond to a bully by saying stuff like "Well my IQ is a 199 how high is YOUR IQ?" or "I'm telling!"
  26. When you belive that Yu Gi is calling you to play for "The heart of the cards"
  27. when you want your first car to look like something from Inital D or a Gundam Wing Mobile suit
  28. When you have been outside the movie theatre for revenge of the sith to start since episode 1 came out
  29. when you can trace your blood line back to characters in Battle star Gallactica
  30. When you fill in a questionaire and put "wizzard" next to occupation
  31. When people commonly come up to you and say "Oh my're a nerd! I're such a nerd....YA FREEEKIN NERD!"
  32. When you eat really chunky soup...with a spoon!
  33. when you think that force feild ball should be an olympic event
  34. When you can count the girls you've been with on one hand and the number of lockers you've been stuffed is a figure that rivals infinity as a representation of something that is never ending
  35. when you're favourite song is the milk song from the commercial with the skateboarding farmers
  36. When you score 90% on a test you didnt study for and think yourself a moron
  37. When you think Alphagetti is one of the four food groups
  38. When you have a trantula or a snake named "bonnie" (any other name is fine, but bonnie? oooo! that's almost as bad as being called &#!^%(#@#@()^! or Jeff!)
  39. When your favourite clothing accessory is glow in the dark socks
  40. When everytime you enter a cab and the driver says "where to?" you answer "Gamma Quadrant sector four, and step on it!"
  41. when you make a list about nerdiness to settle your own insecure fealings that you are a N-

Okay I got to forty and I guess I could keep going but I dont know forty is good enough. Well untill next time...the truth is out there...and my glasses need cleaning!

Friday, February 04, 2005

Chrismas Commericials...Oy Vey! (END THE INCESSANT ADVERTIZING (part three) )

Yeah I know it's a little late but oh well...any season is good enough to rant about bad christmas commercials.
So let us begin with the Christmas kid who takes pitty on an elderly gentleman shoveling his driveway. Christmas Kid forces his poor father who is in his nice warm house out into the cold and drive him somewhere. He makes the poor father go to a doughnut shop (Tim Hortons) and buy a coffee. He then returns home and hands it it his elderly neighbor shoveling his walk. Awww....give me a break! This nausiating commercial is filled with heart felt moments such as the Christmas Kid asking his father to let him pay for the coffee. "Thanks for the coffee kid but you know what would be really helpfull? If you picked up a shovel and lent a hand before I have a heart attack." Oy!

How about this one...another little Christmas Kid who feels really bad that he is underpriveleged in his suberban house in the nice end of town, and has only the comfort of his large plazama screen tv, the cable that comes with it, his internet and computer in his room, and his three game consoles. His poor upper-middle class family doesn't even have a fire place! How will Santa come and bring him all of the presents that his mother and father bought to add on to this greedy kids list of abundances that he already has? So of course there is only one thing for Mom and Dad to do...go to home hardware and have a custom made fire place built into their house. And how does the little brat show his appreciation to his parents? "Mom, Dad, Santa brought me a fireplace!" The parrents dont even get recognition. You know those parrents didn't have to go to all that trouble. In fact what they should have done was sit the little brat down and tell him plain and simple that there is no Santa Clause. That's what I would have done! I'm not going to go out and by a fireplace just so a kid of mine will continue to believe in Santa Claus. I mean wheres the gratitude? Any present you would buy for your kid ends up being one that Santa brought and you get no credit for the time and effort you spent trying to get it.

Like my Pocket Protector? (Nerds and Nerdiness)

Many people these days are having trouble with their...Nerdular orientation. What I mean by this is many people dont know wether they are Nerds or not. The walk the line of Nerddom, keeping up on current events but always keeping the latest copy of "Star Wars Montly" on their napsak. To help all of you who are confused with your Nerdular orientation, I must first classify a few terms, which often confuse those nerdily challenged. This blog is meant to merely state to people wether they are a nerd or not. Lets face it...we all have some nerdy tendancies not all of us are nerds.

Geek-a geek is not a nerd. Nerds are often credited with creativity, intellect, and imagination. Geeks are generally not intelligent. They have dull lives and low imaginations, they merely look like Nerds. Possibly this is a form of unatural adaption. Geeks imitate the look of something better than them selves in order to raise their status. But one can also be a geek based intirely on look, that is if they have average intellegence.(e.g. John from the Garfield Cartoon Strips)

Nerd-A nerd possesses knowledge, creativity and imagination as well as resourcefull-ness. The nerd comes in several varieties, all of which do not necisarily adhere to the nerd look (thick glasses acne and pocket protector etc.)

  • computer nerd-possesses computer knowhow. Spend all their time playing mmorpgs, and desigining their websites. Commonly make database and ram jokes with each other. The internet is their friend. They dont know what the world outside looks like.
  • Sci-Fi nerd- the kind of people who heavily indulge in reading science fiction novels, star treck, the lord of the rings, dungeons and dragons etc. These are the kind of people for whom the fantasy world has replaced reality. There is no going back for these people! Some also may have a comic book infatuation.
  • Cranium Nerd- the one nerd who is highly intellectual and basically has a life revolving around school. They are the kind of people who do that assignment that's due next month the day after it is assigned and who stay up late to put the finishing touches of volcanically charred soil on their volcano. Some often posess an abundance of random scientific facts which can be regurgitated and called upon at will. These people rarely get less than 90% on any assignment. Man...what....nerds!

There is another categorey the sweek (star wars geek) who is not actually a geek, but doesnt look like a nerd but is prone to speaking in Ewok and dressing up like a Jedi and playing the many star wars video games. The sweek is an actual nerd, and sometimes carries tendancies of the sci fi nerd (LOTR, D and D etc.) but is prodominantly a starwars fanatic.

Please note that to be a nerd in any of the above capacities you must be a complete fanatic to the categorey of Nerdiness you are in (or all of them in some cases.) Having a mild resemblance to tendancies in one of the categories does not make one a nerd. You must be totally crazy for that categorey you are in (for example, merely liking star wars does not make you a sci-fi nerd. But dressing up as vader, going to conventions, and reading all of the fiction, collecting all of the collectable, and being able to talk like greedo....yeah you're a sci-fi nerd.)

Just to clarify so that all of you non nerds can understand...if you are not a fanatic in nerdiness, you are not a nerd. You merely exhibit nerdlike tendancies. Some of you however, display many aspects of nerdiness from many categories, so while not a nerd you walk the fine line and are on your way to nerdiness. I shall tell you the danger you have of becomming a nerd next time in a list of fifty things that nerds do. (give or take) so until next time...beam me up scotty!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

All That Glitters...

I've been reflecting of late upon the resent upset (well if you are Canadian anyway) about the recent NHL lockout. Now of course there are two sides to every story, there is the players point of view for example, that they should be making more money for their efforts. After all, hockey is not an easy sport, it's a commitment first and foremost. Players are on the road all of the time, constantly suffering from jet lag and having to adjust to different altitudes. They usually have to work over holidays, if their team makes it into the playoffs they have to put in more time, and even on their days off, they have to train. A hockey players' body and mind must be in top physical shape, otherwise they will not be able to perform. I haven't even mentioned injuries yet, but don't get me started. The stereotypical hockey player is depicted without any teeth, but do you know how many of them really look like that? Teeth don't grow back for these guys, I mean they should at least get a good dental plan out of all of this right?

But then again the owners have a valid argument too. After all adding, a salary cap wouldn't be that bad, these players are making millions anyway. Successful leagues such as the national football league, do have salary caps and the players (from leagues such as the NFL) themselves have said that this is actually helpful for the structure for the sport. One NFL player stated that the problem in hockey is that there is no limit, a player can have their legal people barter for higher and higher salaries, and there is no limit to what players can be paid. Don Cherry, a hockey legend in his own right, mentioned on a radio broadcast, that some players were getting salaries that were estimated at 1.3 million dollars a season, and that same player had only scored ten goals during that season. That’s over one hundred million dollars per goal! Also, one must look at the impact that the high player salaries have on the different teams. Smaller teams such as the Ottawa Senators will actually be making money due to the lack of the NHL season. In the regular season, The Ottawa team was running at a loss because of the high salaries it had to pay it's players. Now that it doesn't have to pay player salaries (actually, a lot of people involved with hockey aren't going to be paid this year) it will make money.

Statistics like these make it truly obvious that the high player salaries, do in fact, affect the league. While each side does have it's valid points, there is another sometimes overlooked side: both parties are too darned greedy! You can talk around it and make the situation dainty by carefully wording your sentences at press conferences and so on, but lets face it, the whole controversy is all about money, and wanting more of it. There are those who want more and those who don't want to pay more and ultimately will make more by not giving more away. But in a nut shell the lockout is all about money, (not unlike how the war in Iraq was all about oil…) But this article is not about hockey, or who is right or who is wrong (cough-theplayers!) it's about where our values as a society lie. Is money really all that important? Can it really buy happiness? Does it really matter? Of course we all know the answer to these questions but sometimes we have to have things thoroughly explained to us before it really sinks in.

When I think of the owners and the players arguing over this issue, I think it is safe to bet that not one of them stepped up and said "Hey, what are we really arguing about here anyway?" But then again would you have said this? Would I? Probably not, it is human nature to be concerned with things that ultimately are not important. Better still, do you think one of the people on either side would have said, "Now wait just a minute. If there is a lockout what will happen to all of those people who sell stuff at the games? And who drive the zambonies and clean up after everyone has gone home? Why, they'll be out of a job." Yeah right! Since when do people become concerned about anyone other than themselves. About fifty thousand people are temporarily unemployed because of this lock out, (actually, I think the numbers are higher than that) and how much do you think those people make? Millions of dollars? No, try mere hundreds and thousands. It is times like this that makes my jaw just drop, when I compare this situation to one in which Wayne Gretzki was once offered a two million dollar contract and responded to this by saying something to the effect of "Two million? No that's way too much, just give me one million." are my hero! And bear in mind that this was said by a man who was debatably the greatest hockey player of all time. If anyone should have been paid a multi-million dollar fortune, he should have.

I think that the trouble with people is that we don't realize how important things are until we are jeopardized. People would realize the real value of money when they were faced with a burning building and inside there was one million dollars in a safe, and a little child. In this situation, I think about 99.9 percent of people (although maybe I’m giving us as people too much credit) wouldn't even think of the money, but would desperately turn their attention towards the child. But this said there still is the possibility that after rescuing the child, some people would jeopardize their own life to get the million dollars. Go figure! The thing is money itself doesn't have any power. Basically what you are dealing with is coloured pieces of paper with drawings and numbers on it, and people kill for this. I can just imagine what any aliens right now are thinking as they survey us. "What is it with these silly creatures? Why do they kill each other and destroy things for these little bits of paper? It doesn’t make any sense! These vouchers contain no special power, no significance. So why do they do it? Why do they fight like mad over this stuff? This makes for a puzzling study that hurts the cranium. Ahh forget about these crazy humans, beam me up another cow!"

The whole lockout situation cannot be looked at in hindsight and in light of all that has just been said objectively, and we cannot clearly look at the thing and say "Why those greedy idiots!" This would not be fair, for it would be a hypocrisy. For how many of us can say that at one point or another (maybe for some of you even right now) there wasn't a time when we didn't truly idolize money? I can't, I used to hold money in high regard. Now I generally see it to be a tool that can be helpful to us, but I do not hold it in high regard. But of course as is the case with the players and the owners and even our own personal situations, we cannot be blamed for our love of money, and yet we can be blamed entirely for it. You see we are brought up in a culture where there is a high emphasis placed on capital. We live in a society (and not just in North America) that seams to be structured around the legal tender. It seems every aspect of life is about money, so how can we expect not to place it upon a mantle above those things that actually are important? For example there is a Chinese saying that states that knowledge is power, meaning that if you get a good education you will get a good job and ergo, be rolling in it.

I have met many people in school who's primary focus in school is to take the courses they need to become lawyers or doctors or some such position. I ask them why and their response is not that they like the position so much, but that it pays well. This is a sentiment I will never fathom. If I am stuck in a job from nine to five for five days a week, and this is the kind of job which I will be doing for my whole life, I don't care how much money I am paid. Considering the percentage of my life that will be spent at that job, if I don't enjoy it, what's the point? I don't look to have a high paying job, all I want is to have a job, that doesn’t necessarily pay that well, but is one that I enjoy. Of course if you are an artist in any capacity this is not the case, as you never go into the arts to make money. To me, there is no greater measure of a person's success in the working world than if they like their job.

It is not just kings and billionaires that have a fancy to cash, most people who you may encounter on the street are of the opinion that money does buy happiness. I remember once with a friend I was talking about this, and one person listening in to our conversation candidly stated how against my opinion he was. "Can money buy family?" I asked him. "Aww I can buy a new family, my family isn’t that good anyway." Of course this half-hearted answer doesn't hold water. You can't buy family! That is one thing that is too precious. Most of us even though we argue with them from time to time, probably wouldn't trade their family for anything in the world, and for this we should be truly grateful. Not every one has been brought up in a loving environment and it is these people who tell you how much they would give to have had one.

When the person I was originally talking to responded to my statement he said, "Well, I like video games right? So if I can just buy video games I'll be happy." Theoretically this works out, but then again, so does communism! But the point he was trying to make is that if we have everything we need, then we will be happy. This makes sense, the only problem is first, what we need is always changing. Obviously we all need food to survive, and then of course we need a stove to cook the food on, and then cook books to figure out what to cook, and then ingredients to prepare the food with, and then a new refrigerator that is more modern and has more features. And a microwave oven for instant food, and a machine that can preserve the food so we can eat it later, and we need to remodel the kitchen so that it matched the living room and then we have to get new carpeting in the living room so it matches the look of the kitchen, and then of course the bedroom has to be remodeled....

The point is, what we need is often confused with what we want. Technically, all you really need to survive, food-wise is food. Technically a man stranded on an island with coconuts and fresh water and shelter from the elements has all he needs to survive. Now I'm not asking you to give up everything but coconuts to and live a simpler life or anything like that, I just want you to know that in terms of getting everything that we need to be ‘happy’, there is no limit. And do you know why? Because things will never make you happy, nor will money. There are things that money can’t and will never buy. Things like love and friendship and respect. The most it will do will get you superficial forms of these things that will not last. Also, if money really does buy happiness, how come the rich are always the ones who tell us otherwise? Shouldn't they know? After all, they do have an ample supply of money, so they must have experience in this field. There are countless stories of how the rich and famous were not satisfied with money. Marilyn Monroe committed suicide because she felt her life was empty. Well, she was rich, shouldn’t all of her money have made her happy? The Children of Lucille Ball and Dezi Arnaz have been quoted saying that although they were very rich, they were very unhappy a great deal of the time. Why is the celebrity marriage always shaky, and why do celebrities go through so many relationships? Should all of there money be satisfying them where they are and who they are with? Probably the most interesting statistic on this point was one, which was conducted last year. It was discovered that the average Newfoundlander makes the least amount of money out of all of the other working people in Canada, yet is the happiest! On the other end of the spectrum, the average Ontario citizen makes the most amount of money, yet is the unhappiest in the entire country. Popular belief would say that this would be the other way around, because of course those who have more money are happier. I will leave you with this thought for now.

At the risk of using a cliche I must be blunt when touching on this next aspect: people will do absolutely anything for money. And yet, society encourages this. How many reality shows have we seen where with one million dollars at stake, people will go on television and make absolute fools of themselves just to have a chance at winning it? Yet we praise them, we cheer them on as they rush down the rainbow for that pot of gold. Hey, we'd probably be up there doing the same thing if we had a shot at it. Society in general seams to have a very skewed sense of propriety. The things we value are sometimes the things that are least important. For example, in the recent events involving Martha Stewart, Miss Stewart at one point faced getting a sentence of over twenty or forty years in jail (although she merely had to serve a sentence of five months at the end of all things) for insider trading. Someone may murder or brutally assault someone else and get away with less (especially young offenders.) Isn’t that sick? Someone nearly gets over twenty years for a couple thousand dollars and after brutally beating someone up, people are allowed to walk away free. And this happens all the time. Doesn't this reflect a slightly distorted perspective of what is more important? If it doesn't, I don’t know what does. My father once said that if he had it his way, water, which is most essential, would be worth more than diamonds. Thank goodness it isn't, for life giving water, is priceless. But he makes a valid point.

Many of you have probably read up to this point and are probably thinking "this guy is such a hippie, " or radical, or any other term describing and anti-society kind of person. Yet I do not wish to put the blame on society. Basically we can get out of any situation by saying, "it's all society's fault!" and then doing nothing about it. Yet the blame does not rest on the shoulders of society, it rests on the people in the society, which make it up. We’re all a part of our society. Let’s face it, we as people are not the greatest species on earth (I don’t mean in terms of knowledge or dominance). I mean if you compare us to animals, animals have a more peaceful hierarchy. They will only kill to eat or to keep from being eaten. Humans? We kill for any darned thing under the sun. Politics, religion, culture, territory and especially money. Yet in the end, does any of this really matter? I mean, when comparing any tangible thing next to a human being, can anything measure up to a humans worth? Not at all. It reminds me of the end of Schindler’s List (good movie! Spoiler alert for those who haven’t seen it ) World War two has just come to a close, and Oscar Schindler has, over the course of the war, saved over 200,000 Jews from concentration camps, and possibly annihilation. He will now be hunted down and probably killed for his actions so he now has to flee for his life, but as he looks at all of the faces of people around him he has but one thought on his mind. "I could have saved more," he says and then he begins looking at all of the objects around him, which he could have traded for people. "This car, why did I keep it? I could have gotten ten people for it," and various comparisons are made of different objects for the lives of people. I'm not sure if this really happened this way, but the point is to Schindler the exchange rate is incomparable. Ten people are worth so much more to him than that car, as they should be to anyone and everyone.

The problem with human beings and our association with money is completely human nature. You see what the aliens in the spaceships in the latter part of this article couldn't understand is that money itself is not powerful, it merely represents power. With money you have the exchange of different things in return for it. Weather it is that new C.D. player you have always wanted or greater military might, it is because money is the universal measure for the value of possessions and comforts, that is why it is so powerful. If you were to find one million dollars in a suitcase while out walking you wouldn't think, "Wow, I have a million dollars, which I can fondle for my very own." You would think, "Imagine all of the stuff I can get with this," as would I. It's not the money that is important, it is what we can do with it that is important. That, is power.

Money itself isn't bad, in fact I'm glad we have legal tender now days because I'm horrible at bartering, and it just makes exchanges so much easier. Money does many good things like as a recent example, help all of the victims of the tsunami. What's bad is the idolization and the emphasis put on money by people in general. But just because we love money, just because it is in our nature to love something which gives us power, doesn't mean that we should. There are many bad human tendencies, and materialism is one of them and selfish desire is one of them. I love things too, unfortunately, but at the end of the day, things aren't important: people are. Once when my mother was in the hospital, my priorities changed. The things, which I did didn't seem to matter. School, chores, hobbies none of them mattered, because none of them were important as my mother and the fact that she had to get well. Like I said, in a time of a of crisis the things that truly are important will present themselves, but it shouldn't take a crisis to realize what is important. So people I urge you, put people first in your life. After all, people will give you comfort in a time of crisis, but you won't get any sympathy from a dollar bill.
Quizically yours,-Undisputed King!

(Disclaimer: This was actually the very first blog I wrote, many months ago when the hockey lockout just began. I had it saved as a draft for a long time but I have recently edited it and tried to update some of the contents. The situation thus far has not changed much. Talks and negotiations are taking place between the players and the owners but as you can see not much has been accomplished and news reports show Canadians are beginning to loose interest (Yikes! I guess that means we’re not far off from you know where freezing over too!). The points mentioned more remain the same however. Maybe if the owners and players had more love of the game and less love of the money, I wouldn’t have to be stuck watching "Movie Night in Canada on CBC." (sigh) is this what it has come to?)